Global Inspection and Analysis Services Co. Ltd. Ankara

Terms And Conditions

Müşterinin Ünvanı / Name Of Client  


Müşterinin Adresi / Address of Client


Telefon No / Telephone No


İşin Konusu / Subject of Work


Muayene Kapsamı / Scope of Inspection


İşin Süresi / Period of Work


İşin Birim Fiyatı / Unit Price of Work


Ödeme Süresi / Payment Period













1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing or excepted where they are at varience with the provisions of the law, services between GLOBAL GÖZETİM LTD. ŞTİ. (“company”) and “client” shall be governed with these below general conditions of service.

2. The company will provide services using reasonable care and skills in accordance with Client’s specific instructions as confirmed by the company or, in the absence of such instructions, such methods as the company shall consider appropriate on technical, operational and/or financial grounds.

3. Findings of inspection reports are derived from the instructions of client or any methods as stated above.  Reports issued further to the testing of samples indicate company’s opinion on those samples only.

4. Should client request that the company witness any third party intervention, client agrees that the company’s sole responsibility is to be present at the time of the third party’s intervention and to forward the results, or confirm the occcurrence of the intervention. Client agrees that the Company is not responsible for the condition or the calibration of instruments and devices used, the analysis methods applied, the qualifications, actions or omissions of third party personnel or the analysis results.

5. The company is under no obligation to refer to, or report upon, any facts or circumtances which are outside the specific scope of inspections applied.

6. Company should receive the documents from the client, such as copies of sale contracts, letters of credit, bills of lading etc, when required for information only, and do not change the scope of the services or the obligations accepted by the company.

7. Client acknowledges that the Company, by providing the attached services not undertakes to discharge any duty of Client to any third party.

8. Unless otherwise ruled, all samples shall be retained for a maximum 3 months depending on the nature of sample. After that period the samples will be disposed by the Company.

9. The client will ensure that sufficient information, instructions and documents are given in due time (not later than 24 hours prior to the intervention) to enable the required services to be performed.

10. The client will procure all necessary access for the company’s representatives to the premises where the services to be performed, for elimination of any interruptions in the performance of services.

11. The Client will confirm the service fees, payment terms and payment time before the work as written.

12. The liability of the Company in respect of any claim for loss, damage or expense of any nature and howsoever arising shall in no circumtances exceed a total aggregate sum equal to 3 times the amount of the fee paid in the specific service which gives rise to such claim. The firm is neither an insurer nor a guarantor and disclaims all liability in such capacity. Clients seeking a guarantee against loss or damage should obtain appropriate insurance.

13. In the case of submission as per instructions of the client, the Company will not be responsible for samples lost in transit by courier services and the like whether going to or from the company’s offices.

14. The company is under a duty of management and not to reveal the confidential informations of the client gained in the course of the inspection except for the informations that are publicly available or disclosures that are permitted by the client. Disclosures compelled by the laws and regulations are excluded from this scope. Information about the client obtained from sources other than the client shall be treated as confidential.

15. In case of failure in precise performance of the services, a written warning is given by client to the company. If the company does not create corrective actions after warning, client has the right of dismissal from service, annulment of contract and claim for damages.

16. In case of any impediments could not be avoided beyond the controls or inhibiting the performance of service, the company will inform the client in 48 hours as written. In the case of force majeure, the parties will be exempt from fulfilling their affected rights and obligations, as long as the parties to the contract cause the contractual rights and obligations.

17. The company will nominate enough number of skilled staff during services, will take occupational health and safety measures and/or respect current safety regulations in the place of work.

18. Residence Address of the company is as; “Batı Sitesi Mah. 2306. Cad. Gersan Sitesi No: 26 06370 Batıkent-ANKARA” and notifications to be posted this address will be acknowledged to the company itself.

19. Contradictions or claims due to the contract will be interpreted according to the current legal arrangements.

20. Operations related with the inspections which its scope explained above will be commenced with the endorsement of this statement by the client. Updated version of this form is published at the pages of

21. Reports and certificates issued by the firm in accredited scopes and / or the accreditation mark may not be used for other purposes such as promotion, product, label, packaging, advertising materials and / or any part of the advertising campaign.

22. Where necessary and applicable, the Client shall ensure that the competent authorities and agencies performing the audits related to the scope of the Firm accredited by TS EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard shall have an opportunity to visit the premises for auditing of the service provided by the Firm and to obtain the necessary information about the inspection conducted by the Firm. Authorized institutions and organizations may conduct audits/visits without informing the Firm and its clients. The Firm agrees to cooperate with these audits and audit team.

23. Issuance of a contract, work order or any request for performance of services shall indicate acceptance of the current “Terms and Conditions of Service” at forth. If there is any conflict between the Agreement and the "Terms and Conditions of Service", the provisions of the Agreement will apply first.


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